Go With The Flow
So much confusion clouding my mind Spinning so fast no peace to find Shall I, will I, can I, should I Doubt upon doubt, Thoughts like a fast train Changing at every station What’s done can’t be changed What’s changed ...
So much confusion clouding my mind Spinning so fast no peace to find Shall I, will I, can I, should I Doubt upon doubt, Thoughts like a fast train Changing at every station What’s done can’t be changed What’s changed ...
UCARE.ME正式下线了,太贵了续不起... 刚去了趟西班牙回来,发现美食不少,其中有道叫TAPAS的小点很好吃,随加个Y变成现在的域名...
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjc5Njk0ODQ.html i'm walking in the rain 行くあてもなく伤つた身体濡らし 络みつく冻りのざわめき 杀し续けて彷徨ういつまでも until i can forget your love 眠りは麻药 途方にくれた心を静かに溶...
百看不厌。。。收藏下。。。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY3MTI4ODMy.html 记忆のかけらに描いた蔷薇を见つめて 迹切れた 想い出重ねる変わらない梦に Oh- Rusty Nail どれだけ泪を流せば 贵方を忘...
Say Anything~ ~ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjAxOTUxMTAw.html 骚めきだけが心を刺して (只有喧哗嘈杂 却刺痛了我的心) 闻こえない 胸の吐息 (听不见 胸口的呼吸) 时を忘れて 求め彷徨う (忘却了时光 追求至彷徨) 高鸣る想い 濡...
感觉不错,收藏下~ ~ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDYwNDA3NDI4.html
Yiruma is the stage name of Lee Ru-ma (born February 15, 1978), an internationally-known pianist and composer from South Korea. Yiruma frequently performs at sold-out concerts in Asia, Europe and North America. His al...
一首不错的歌~ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkwNjE3NTA4.html 演唱MIYU TAKAYO MAIKO(一部分) MIZUHO(一部分) 电吉他MIYU(Fender Telecaster Thin Line 1972 ) 木吉他 TAKAYO(Guild S4CE?)/TOMOKA(Guild) 电贝斯MAIKO...
1. 此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。 You will have another short dream if you take a nap here, but you will be one step closer to getting your dreams fulfilled if you take the time to study, instead. 2. 我荒...