
Simple is the best

一.通过(.pkg)安装: Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer(二选一,推荐此方法) 访问官方网站: 二.通过(Source)安装MacPort...

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先上图: 据说接口被封了,不过不要猛用的话还是可以玩的~而且也找到了个备用办法~暂时可以Happy下。虽然是iOS版,不过上段有参考的PHP代码好了 <?php //function simsimi($keyword) //{ //做成API接口的话,请发起GET请...

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一般来说这种情况还是蛮多的,比如你从文件中读入了一个array1,然后想把程序中的一个array2中符合array1中内容的元素过滤出来。 首先是实现tableView中的UISearchDisplayDelegate - (void)filterContentForSearchText:(NSString*)sea...

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最近PM2.5很火爆,闲着无事自己做个看看。下面是界面~ 数据拿的是北京市环境保护监测中心的( 只有弱智的查看功能~加上了自动获取上次关闭前浏览的地区,方便下次打开之间就能显示。 学了点combox的用法...

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When I use NSURLConnection to get file, the expectedContentLength alway return -1. After look lots of similary problem it looks like never send the Content-Length. Checking the code below, you will get a surprise:  re...

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  Only an easy http request class for freshman in objective-c. HttpHelper.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface HttpHelper : NSObject + (NSString *)getHtml: (NSString *)url; + (NSString *)getHtml: ...

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You want to use -[NSTask setStandardOutput:] to attach an NSPipe to the task before launching it. A pipe holds two file handles, the task will write to one end of the pipe, and you'll read from the other. You can sche...

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1.编码 : NSStringEncoding enc = CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding (kCFStringEncodingGB_18030_2000); //GB2312,GBK NSISOLatin1StringEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding等 2.截取字符串 substringWithRange substringToInde...

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ios中的菊花加载实在是经典,当然在mac系统下必须也有吧。                           调用起来真是easy的说 不许转: [[selfmainWinprogressIndicator] stopAni...

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效果如图所示: 最左边的蓝色方块怎么添加咧? 很简单的几行: NSStatusItem *_statusItem = [[NSStatusBarsystemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSVariableStatusItemLength]; [_statusItemsetImage:[NSImag...

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