
Simple is the best

借鉴了大神们的一些patch地址,写了个C#版的MH 主要是过平台这个有点难度,因为现在VS3.3和11都已加强了反作弊的工作,直接注入进程到war3.exe中了,所以就加了点东西搞定他们。 测试了2天基本正常,附带patch地址。 //1.24B //////...

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1.Objective-C是C语言的一个扩展集。Objective-C以C语言为基础,在该语言中添加了一些微妙但意义重大的特性。   2. Xcode的.m拓展名表示文件含有Objective-C代码,应由Objective-C编译器处理。C编译器处理名称以.c结尾的文件,...

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My macbook is MD101,an optibay with Crucial M4 128g SSD, and sometimes go out or in the silence night,  I don't want to use the HDD, so use this to eject it. Not only can protect in the way of bumpy HDD, also can cre...

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You want to use -[NSTask setStandardOutput:] to attach an NSPipe to the task before launching it. A pipe holds two file handles, the task will write to one end of the pipe, and you'll read from the other. You can sche...

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1.编码 : NSStringEncoding enc = CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding (kCFStringEncodingGB_18030_2000); //GB2312,GBK NSISOLatin1StringEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding等 2.截取字符串 substringWithRange substringToInde...

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ios中的菊花加载实在是经典,当然在mac系统下必须也有吧。                           调用起来真是easy的说 不许转: [[selfmainWinprogressIndicator] stopAni...

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NSString *js1 = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"alert('a'); ""]; [[selfexWebViewer] stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: js1]; 太简单了哇

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效果如图所示: 最左边的蓝色方块怎么添加咧? 很简单的几行: NSStatusItem *_statusItem = [[NSStatusBarsystemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSVariableStatusItemLength]; [_statusItemsetImage:[NSImag...

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个人感觉设置神马的东西最好就是以下图的形式实现了,简洁明了。 如何才能实现咧? 调用它吧~~~~   [NSAppbeginSheet:userSheetmodalForWindow:[mainViewwindow]modalDelegate:nildidEndSelector:NULLcontextInfo:NULL]; userSh...

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cocos2d 终端进入cocos2d所在文件夹 ./install-templates.sh -u cocos3d 1.将下载的cocos3d解压, 解压出来的文件夹放到cocos2d安装包所在目录下,即:将cocos3d文件夹与下载的cocos2d安装包放到同一目录下。 2.打开终端,进入cocos3d...

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